Tuesday 19 February 2013


My head is slumped
near a small rectangle.
This thing lays beside me.
It just lays there,
Not moving, not touched, just still.

I stare at this paper
with both eyes wondering,
whether if it was the same,
full of doodles
which was made with ease.

This paper with nothing in it
waits for brand new inspiration.
A fuel that makes it work,
A hand with a pencil,
that would scribble, scribble, and scribble.

A paper who just sits there
tries for glory,
and yet he fails.
He tries to come get back up,
but stumbles in the end.

Small rectangular paper
when shall you stand once more?
Time is finite,
you should take note,
for you may later regret it all


"I was happiest when...."

When I am with her there's no place I would ever feel this way ever again. I never think of anything else when I'm with her, it would not make sense anymore, for nothing else really matters anymore when I'm with her.  Even when I'm just there beside her already completes my day. With the simplest things she does, like her smile, her laughter or just her being there makes everything feel alright. Nothing would ever compare to this happiness I am in, nothing in the whole world.

With all the things she has ever done, making me feel happy is the number one. I never knew she would do it so easily, but then again she just pulls it off in a jiffy. Maybe she was meant for this, making me all tingly inside, besides she takes time to set things aside. She said she was just for me, I guess she did not know how much that means we are meant to be. That's what she always mentions, just to relieve my tension. She really does know where to hit the spot, I guess I hit the jackpot. Why are you so good at this, as if you just want me to kiss, but if you do want to insist, let's take time to persist. You do know you make me miss you, as if you were a police, who should just pop on queue. You just make me so happy, in times when I'm sad you're just so handy. Oh I love you my sweet sweet baby, you're just a cute cute dainty.

How sad it would be if you were to leave. I wish you could just stay, for I never I would want to know to the feeling if you were to go. I know this sounds too cliche, but can you be my forever? You just don't know how happy I felt, when I fell for you. Oh boy, I really do love YOU.

7 - MINE!

"Write about an incident that illustrates selfishness"

All eyes was at her, this one girl. Men stop and turn their heads just to look at her. Men even ask her questions I could not believe.

Never in my whole life I would become this monster. A monster of selfishness, in which it is because of this one girl. Well to me she's not just a girl, she's my everything now, everything I have ever dreamt of. This one girl just turned the tables and changed my whole game. This girl I call "MINE". 

It all started when we got together, I knew from the start she was going to do something out of the extraordinary, something that would lead me to my captivation to her and me begging at her knees. I didn't notice this but this was my theory, one night when I went to her place she offered me a drink, a drink that I thought was unlikely, given the fact that it was given to me immediately and with excitement. With no other choice and because I was lacking of h2o, drank it bottoms up, and as I slowly put down the glass, I felt it immediately. I was turning into a monster!

Just kidding. Well, we all have that moment in our lives where we tend to be over protective for the things really important to us. Never in our whole lives think of bad things happening to something that is really important to us. Sometimes in our lives we tend to go overboard and become this selfish person. Now what I am gonna talk about is me having my girlfriend.

Everyone of us (guys) tend to be really really REALLY protective with our girls, like me for example. I am the most jealous-type of guy I know, so I tend to get jealous on the most stupidest stuff and be over protective at times. Just like that instance when me and my girlfriend are just walking, and for some reason all the guys stare. No matter what age they are, they stare! Sometimes it just really get uncomfortable, like that instance where a perverted looking guy stares at her and I stare at this guy and wont even budge! In my head I'm like "should I tell him I'd kill him?" but then again the other part of my brain is telling "Let it pass man, it will be over soon", so I have that going through my head every time. Plus, there is just this feeling I don't like when people stare at my girl. I'm all like "This girls mine dude, like come one! Freaking stop starring! She's mine okay! And you can't have her!"

Now let's not forget my jealous moments shall we not? There was this one time where she had a crush (we all know how they go when they have crushes) on a guy who happens to be a famous PBA player (or something like that) and it happened to be on a tarpaulin. She fan-girled and I got jealous without her knowing, so instead of telling I got quiet. She then noticed it and we had a fight about it because I didn't tell what was up, but then later on we made up. Of course there's more, there was also this time where I had a video dancing, and there was this one part I got out of the screen but she thought I was still dancing. She was starring at some guy and she thought he was hot. It went something like this "You looked so hot there" she said, "What? Really? *silence* uh..babe, that's not me" I replied. There was just this awkward feeling between us that time. I felt so bad, for I thought it was really me. There's is just something in me where I just don't want to share and I get SO jealous at times.

As I was saying, she made me into a monster! I have never in my life thought I would be this selfish given the fact that she's a person. Well, if you come to think of it, She's mine anyway so I guess this will make sense. Like come on, who wants to share what's theirs!

Wednesday 13 February 2013


"If you could go back in time anywhere and "anywhen", where/when would you go and why?

Seat belts, check! Helmet, check! Fuel, Check! Burrito..ugh..check! 5...4...3..2...1! What you've just read there was me going back in time! Yes, I went back in time for a quest to become the best artist in the world as of this day!

I went back in time at the era where classic art was at it's peak, a time where the name Leonardo Da Vinci was well known. I went back to this time for one purpose, and that purpose is to be the apprentice of today's hall of fame in art, Leonardo Da Vinci.

Why all the trouble you ask? Well, let me share with you a story of why this came to be. I have a father who is really good in art. He was the one who inspired me to do everything in the name of art, but there was this problem. It seemed like he did not have that much time to teach me a thing or two, so I scavenged for a way to learn more. I searched high and low for someone to teach me lessons, and yet it seemed like there was nobody out there. In that moment where I was studying all by myself, it just hit me, "why not build a time machine red?" I said to myself, and so I did. I gathered resources and knowledge just to build a time machine, and alas, my time machine was born!

So I set the year and date where Leonardo was at his peak, when he was crowned best. I arrived there and hid my machine. As I strolled and searched for him I was shocked and amazed, as I saw him doing his research. You now might think "how will he understand him?" well, good question. Before I even left the present time, I also devised a gadget where I could understand him, but I still couldn't talk their language. So what I did was acted as if I was a mute poor man, who was desperate for his teachings. He then bit the bait, knowing I could not tell any of his secrets he went on. I stayed there for a couple of weeks, but then disaster struck! An alarm which was connected to my time machine went off! It was a sign that I needed to get back to the present to not create an imbalance in the timeline. Without any goodbyes, I left. I left his teachings without even finishing. Crushed by this, I hurriedly went in the time machine, set the date and time as if I didn't even left the first place, and didn't even bothered to look back.

I arrived again here in the present, dazed with time travel. Knowing I still might get a chance to get back in that era, I ran to the fuel tank and peeked through it, it was empty. With all hopes gone, in once again searched for a new mentor. With all the time I spent searching, I found one. He was my age, and with his gift, he might be the next Leonardo Da Vinci. Without any fuel left and resource I settled with him.

For now as I shall settle with him, until the time I could find enough resource to go back and finish what I started.