Tuesday 19 February 2013


"I was happiest when...."

When I am with her there's no place I would ever feel this way ever again. I never think of anything else when I'm with her, it would not make sense anymore, for nothing else really matters anymore when I'm with her.  Even when I'm just there beside her already completes my day. With the simplest things she does, like her smile, her laughter or just her being there makes everything feel alright. Nothing would ever compare to this happiness I am in, nothing in the whole world.

With all the things she has ever done, making me feel happy is the number one. I never knew she would do it so easily, but then again she just pulls it off in a jiffy. Maybe she was meant for this, making me all tingly inside, besides she takes time to set things aside. She said she was just for me, I guess she did not know how much that means we are meant to be. That's what she always mentions, just to relieve my tension. She really does know where to hit the spot, I guess I hit the jackpot. Why are you so good at this, as if you just want me to kiss, but if you do want to insist, let's take time to persist. You do know you make me miss you, as if you were a police, who should just pop on queue. You just make me so happy, in times when I'm sad you're just so handy. Oh I love you my sweet sweet baby, you're just a cute cute dainty.

How sad it would be if you were to leave. I wish you could just stay, for I never I would want to know to the feeling if you were to go. I know this sounds too cliche, but can you be my forever? You just don't know how happy I felt, when I fell for you. Oh boy, I really do love YOU.

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