Saturday 19 January 2013

2 - Oh What a Feeling

"Describe a "dream" day. How is it different from a possible day?"

          "Hakuna matata", it means no worries. I guess we are all familiar with that one right? Well, if you're not it's from the animated movie "The Lion King". Anyway, no worries, right? Have you ever felt that? I have longed for it everyday in my life. Do you remember nights where you just lay there and think of what could have been, what you have done, what you need to do and all those what if's? I bet occasionally you do, because I do too. I dream of having my hakuna matata day and here's how it goes.

          My dream day starts off with a perfect wake up call or something like that. Define perfect, well it's when I wake up in the morning not because of an alarm, but because it just feels right. Other than that, I always wanted to wake up because of my special someone, who's in my arms, woke me up in a "special" way. I bet you have fantasized about that too. Waking up, staring at her eyes, not taking verbally, just with a simple stare, you understand each other. That feeling in the morning.

          Breakfast, "ain't nobody got time for that", or maybe occasionally me. They say it's the most important meal of the day, and yet I don't get it every morning. So in my dream day, I gotta have my perfect breakfast. Pancakes, topped off with strawberries drizzled in maple syrup, waffles, sausages, scrabbled egg, milk, hash browns, and let's not forget the bacon, delicious isn't it? I wish I had it in my mornings. What feeling it could have been.

          So far, it's still gonna be a long day. And since I'm that kind of person where I just simply hang out at our house, my dream day simply occurs in the four corners of our house. Why? Why not? Besides, my time is always focused on school work, which means not much time for "my time". And whenever I just hang out in our house, I'm with my family and my special someone, which is rare, because everyone's kinda busy nowadays. I just want to spend that day with my special someone, just us, cuddling and doing all sweet stuff, talking about us. No worries. No stress. Nothing else to think about. So in short, my day was just wasted with me doing nothing, and yet feeling content for what feeling I had inside me.

           And now night time. There are just cold nights where you just feel so alone, so cold, and you long for someone's warmth. And now that my dream day is about to end, why not end it with a smile on my face. Why not be with someone you love for the whole day, right? Is that too much to ask? i don't think so. But anyway, I just always fantasized about sleeping with my girlfriend. I think it's really sweet. Plus when you think about it, sleeping with someone you love wouldn't make you think about other stuff, other than you two. It's not us doing "the thing" that's why I want to sleep with her, it's just like there's this feeling where you just feel so content of you two talking with each other while just staring at each other. That feeling where you're just happy to have her with you that night. That feel.

          My dream day might be shallow, and just about me with my girl, well to me this is my dream day, not what-everyone-wants-to-do day. But what I do realize is that a dream day will be your dream day if you feel content. Then again it's like a perfect day right? Well it's a dream day for it wont really happen yet. I'm like sitting here waiting for it to happen. Why? Well first, being too tired to wake up in the morning to cook food which we also don't have. Plus there's this realm called "school" which I go to really early. And that brings me to waking up with no alarm and me waking up with my girlfriend, doing absolutely nothing in the afternoon. And at night time, well we all know it's not possible yet. And of course, slacking off isn't really productive either.

          Basically my dream day is just like a lazy day for me, being content kind of lazy. This just kinda serves as a goal for me to aim at. Hey, dreams come true right? Why not make it come true?

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