Tuesday 22 January 2013

4 - Checkpoint

"Describe a dream that came true"

Normally, people understand the phrase "dreams come true" in a way where they think it's a magical thing. That the most impossible things in the corner of your minds and all that fictional stuff become reality. But now, I'm gonna talk about the other one, the literal one. That may sound silly, but yeah, it happens.

I'm gonna give you something to think about. You know those checkpoints in games, wherein when you die, that's where you start over again. What if that happens in real life? What if deja vous is our checkpoint spots and we already died and respawned again? Doesn't that make sense? Is it really that stupid? So what am I trying to say? Well I constantly have deja vuos, and for some reason it kinda bugs me a lot. 

But anyway, back to my story. 

The summer of 2012, before college ever started I had this dream. This dream was about me, some other guy I don't know, and another girl which I do not know either. Me and the guy were sitting down playing the piano for some reason and the girl was just standing there. For some reason I did not know what that meant either. I don't even play the piano, and practically I don't know the guys there. It was just so weird because it did not make sense at that time. And what's even weirder was I remembered it even if didn't even made sense.

So school has already started now and I met new people once again. I made new friends and turned into much closer friends by the end of the term. So within that term since we were close, we decided to go to one of my friends house. It was just me, my friend which was a guy and the owner of the house which was a girl. Then what happened there was quite what I didn't expect to happen. Yes, my dream came true. At first I didn't notice that my dream was happening until this very distinct view happened. I was sitting down with my friend guy and my friend girl was standing up right beside me. So what happens was I got really shocked. I refrained from playing the piano and told them what was up. They were also shocked with that too, of course but then again they thought that was pretty cool.

Deja vous huh, So did I die? Why did I see the future? Was it really the future? Like come on, I'm not Nostradamus or something. But that sure raised a lot more questions in my head. Why do people have that? is that premonition? I do not know. But what I do know is, that was some crazy stuff!

So, how about you? Have you experienced deja vous as well? Any dreams of yours that came true? 


  1. I just respawned yesterday D: Awwww

  2. Gave me the creeps dude. -_- I remembered re-spawning when I held a cupcake. Seriously? I died because of a cupcake? XD

  3. well, after watching the matrix, I think of it differently now. The matrix has glitches now.
